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    Advocacy Day (virtually) on The Hill

    Date: November 19, 2020
    Event Type:
    iCal link
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    SHRM will schedule your meetings for you in advance. The way the meetings will  work this year however, are going to be facilitated through a combination of Zoom & an advocacy platform called Voter Voice. Everyone who participates in the Virtual Advocacy Day will be guided through this process, but in essence how you will participate in these meetings will mirror “breakout” sessions in Zoom (with each meeting being a breakout session). You will not need to do anything on the back end – SHRM will take care of all of that for you.

    To make this experience as seamless as possible, all VLBM Hill Day registrants will also have access to a mobile app that will store all of your meeting information in one place. Additionally, SHRM will be sending you Outlook calendar invites for each one of your meetings with corresponding meeting information/attachments.