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Professional of the Year


    ICSHRM Sons & Daughters

    The ICSHRM Scholarship will be awarded each fall and spring semester. The scholarship will be awarded to a son or daughter of an ICSHRM chapter member in good standing with the chapter.  The student must be enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) as a full time student in any accredited university in the United States.  The student must have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.


    McNeese State University Student Chapter

    The Imperial Calcasieu Society for Human Resource Management (ICSHRM), in recognition of its commitment to academic study, has established an academic scholarship to assist its affiliated McNeese State University SHRM student chapter members.  The scholarship will be awarded to a McNeese State University SHRM student chapter member in good standing with the host chapter, ICSHRM.  The student must be enrolled as a full-time student at McNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana and in good standing as an active member of the MSU-SHRM Student Chapter.  The applicant must submit verification from Kristin C. Scott, PhD, SHRM-CP, MSU-SHRM Advisor at BBC 224.  The student must have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.


    Sponsored by:

    The Imperial Calcasieu Society for Human Resource Management


    Please note the deadlines to submit your application:

    Fall Semester- October 15

    Spring Semester – April 16



    The exact amount of the scholarship will be set by the ICSHRM Board of Directors and will be reviewed each year.  The amount of the scholarship may be adjusted from year to year at the Board’s discretion based upon host chapter financial considerations. The financial award will be made shortly after the commencement of each semester. No funds will be awarded for the summer term.



    The recipient will be selected by the ICSHRM Board of Directors. The award will be based upon Grade Point Average, student activities and extracurricular activities.  The applications will be presented to the board with no indication of the student’s name so that the selection will be made on an anonymous basis.  A selected recipient may only receive the ICSHRM sponsored student chapter scholarship for one semester at a time.  The scholarship shall not be awarded to the same applicant in successive semesters.

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