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2024 Nomination Form - Professional of the Year

    Past PE Award Recipients
    2001 - Wendy Goodwin
    2002 - Mike Glackin 2012 - Christina Joyce-Wilson
    2003 - Marcy Hines 2013 - Susie Cox
    2004 - Kathy Johnson 2014 - Allison Jones
    2005 - Calvin Jaetzold 2015 - Martina Partin
    2006 - Kerri Courville 2016 - Nic Sheppard
    2007 - Paula Gaspard 2017 - Debra Latrapes
    2008 - Janell Johnson 2018 - Lee T. Granger
    2010 - Robyn Breaux 2019 - Christina Detiveaux
    2011 - Shelly Aguillard

    2022 - Dr. Kristin Scott

    2023 Winner Michelle McGinnis


    2024 ICSHRM Award for Professional Excellence
    Deadline: February 07, 2025
    All submissions are confidential.
    Please return to ICSHRM,


    • Please provide detailed information for the questions below. A committee of HR Professionals will be assembled to judge the nominations. This committee may be from out of town and all names and identifying characteristics will be removed from the nomination form, therefore as much professional information will be needed. Nominations will be judged solely on the information included on this nomination form.
    • Nominee must have been a member of ICSHRM for at least one full year and have current active status with the Chapter.
    • Must meet one of the National Professional Member status criteria with SHRM:

    1. Individuals engaged in human resource management with at least three years of experience; or

    2. Any individual certified by the Human Resource Certification Institute or SHRM; or

    3. Any faculty member with three or more years experience holding at least assistant professor rank in HR; or

    4. Full-time consultants with at least three years of experience as an HR practitioner; or

    5. Full-time attorneys with at least three years of experience in counseling and advising clients on matters relating to the HR profession.

    • Must meet SHRM’s Certification requirements of at least 51% of an individual's daily activities must be within the human resource function.

    I would like to nominate:

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